Available for work?

Here at NU Recruitment we believe that refugees arriving from Ukraine possess valuable experience and skills – which are in demand with Norwegian businesses. NU Recruitment is founded to help match skilled candidates with employers.

Need employees?

Looking for qualified help? Do you need assistance with recruiting? Here at NU Recruitment we source the wide range of talent and skills among the newly arrived refugees from Ukraine.
We can help you recruit from this valuable pool of candidates.

NU recruitment was started as a direct response to the war in Ukraine. We see the need for not only welcoming Ukrainian refugees to a safe harbor, but assisting in creating a home where people can thrive. This includes meaningful work.

We believe employment and income provide security, a social network in the new country, and will maintain and increase the skills of the individual.

Our pricing is competitive to provide employers with an incentive to hire from our pool of candidates, and we provide extra support in the process into norwegian working life.