
Here at NU Recruitment we believe that refugees arriving from Ukraine possess valuable experience and skills – which are in demand with norwegian businesses. NU Recruitment is founded to help match skilled candidates with employers.

What we can do for you

The people behind NU-recruit have extensive connections in the norwegian tech industry and are uniquely able to match your background with the right job. We understand that qualifications and titles vary between countries, and are able to see your background for what it is.

We specialise in the IT and technology sectors, but are open to applicants from other adjoining industries.

Extra services

Starting a new life in a new country can be challenging, especially in a crisis. We are NU recruit have several years of international experience, experience in work towards vulnerable groups and minorities, and have lived, worked, and done business in various European countries.

As a result of this experience we want to give extra support and a greater care to our candidates in the search for employment – and in settling in Norway.


NU-recruitment believe active steps must be taken to avoid discrimination, both as a human rights issue and in order to find the best people for the job.

We welcome candidates from all backgrounds, including lgbt, ethnic and religious minorities, and people with disabilities.